Morning snuggles

3years 128days

It was cold, we wanted snuggles. So we had them. Katie wrapped up on my back on the way to nursery. Love it.

I had jobs to do in town so decided to get her early. I went in to nursery and asked her if she wanted to come to town with mummy. She was SO excited. Bless her heart, she did think for a while she had to go back to nursery after town. She was even more excited when she realised she didnt.

We went to the bank before we went for a ccino. We then went to look for an outfit for her for my birthday party in a few weeks time. We didnt come away with her dress but we did get some cute little party shoes. We then went to get her feet measured and to choose her some new spring shoes. We came to mutual agreement on a super cute pair of purple garvalins, after discovering the shop was out of stock of her size in most of the shoes we liked. She is very proud of her new purple shoes. She wouldnt take them off when we get home she likes them that much!

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