New Room

2years 129 days

Katie was playing with all her friends downstairs this morning, so I took the opportunity to do a little more in her room. The mural behind her is one of the things I did. What she has spotted is the new flowers on her drawers. Since then, she's been playing in her bedroom for the last half an hour. She has a great space on her bed where she loves to snuggle with her friends to reads them stories. This is what I thought she was doing. It turns out she was taking the mural to pieces and putting it all on her friends and her. Well, it was pretty while it lasted.

We're staying at home for most of the day today. We've got her little friends Aiden and Emma coming with their mums midmorning and for lunch, so she's really excited as its been a while since she's seen them.

Of course, I'm going to spend a fair amount of time ringing people to get someone to come for the car and sort that for a reasonable price (I can dream, right?) before we probably go for a walk this afternoon. While we have no car, Katie is likely to become reacquainted with the meitai as we dont own a buggy and the supermarket is a fair trek away!

In other news, if you're on FB and havent had a look please do check out my new page!

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