My little nodule thing has burst off my shoes. G tried to get it back in and succeeded, until I did up my shoe laces again and the little nodule thing burst right back out.

Today I took my fairly newish, though they have tramped the streets of Edinburgh, shoes back to the shop and the chap there was really helpful. He couldn't see how the shoe eyelet could be mended, and having checked his stock, did not have another pair to give me. He then went online to his other stores but they didn't have a pair either. They had 2 pairs but not in my size, which is hardly surprising as I bought the shoes in a sale last October.

The chap offered me a credit note ..... but I'd really rather keep the shoes; so it was decided I would go next door to the cobbler's shop and see if he could mend the shoe, otherwise I was to go back to Mr Tog for further discussions. What a nice man, and in these days quite a treat to meet someone not mealy mouthed, and determined that whatever the fault, it was mine.

The cobblers was shut so I poked my head into Mr Tog's door and said I would try again tomorrow. It was quite uplifting to come across someone who just wanted to help. Thank you Mr Tog.

And THANK YOU for the lovely comments on my 730th blip of yesterday. I even got on Spotlight!! With the time available it will take me a while to thank everyone which is my utmost intention, so until then, thank you all again. What a wonderful place Blipfoto is.

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