Being pretty

28months (2years 123days)

Little munchkin this morning being just that. Sat in the window, looking for dogs. I love that all the homes we've had, we've been fortunate enough to have windows in the lounge that she can stand at and watch. The first and this home, they had views where she could watch animals. She loves it.

When she woke up this morning, she went to the loo as she always does, returned with her jammies in her hand . She had then turned them inside out saying "want jammies on but not white one, not white one". I managed to work out eventually what she was saying. She'd spotted that on the inside of her jammies, the mouse that is appliqued on looks pink. So she spent the morning wandering round in her inside out jammies. It was looking for most of the time like she was going to nursery in them, but as we were about to walk out of the door, she decided to get dressed! She's wearing the new (to her) jumper dress that's in the photo. She's beginning to be aware of clothes/colours matching now - so she was determined that because her dress was red, she would wear her red coat!

We had a lovely time after nursery. Granny and Grandad came for tea at our house. She was very pleased to see them as she wanted to show them Hazel Hamster!

Katie at 28months

*is learning about opposites - up/down, in/out, open/closed, big/little, on/off she's getting
*"writes" - teeny tiny careful scribbles, very different to her drawing
*has added s, c and j to her letters. j is her favourite
*recognises the words Katie, Mummy, Grandad, Granny Jasmine, cat, doggy
*lives in a new house, a longterm house now. Settled here for a longtime
*settles happily to sleep on her own, doesnt need cuddling to sleep anymore
*sings the hokeycokey, mahnumana, little green frog song
*has 16teeth

*cake again! Nursery couldnt believe it when she ate a full bun!
*melon, a lot.But she calls it orange pear.
*dry cereal for breakfast
*her veggietales bible, baby dances and cloudboy (still) at bedtime
*being a mummy and nursery teacher - settling each friend down for sleep/mealtimes/circle times
*pretty dresses with big skirts and bows
*being able to play out now the weather's nice!
*having a lot more space to ride her bike, fast
*the Muppet Movie

Doesnt like:
*having her hair washed
*discovering she cant do something - so independent!

* Ballet and tap classes
* Trampolining
* Ballet and tap shoes (and second tap shoes, first pair were too big!)
* Leotard, sooooo cute!
* Proper big girls' bed, she loves it
*chalk drawing

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