Big Sky Shutterfly

By caitthegreat

A for Annie

Tonight I went to my friend Sam's birthday party. As you may have guessed, it was a theme party.

Everyone had to dress up as something starting with the letter S, A, or M (get it!) or any combination of the three.

So wearing a red tutu on my head and going as Annie the orphan seemed the obvious choice. The night was a huge success, and I looked absurdly appropriate while mopping up spills.

Since my blipping frequency has dropped to dismal levels, I've been considering changing things up. I realized the main thing that keeps me from posting is having to take a picture each time. I am no photographer, and the main thing I miss about daily posting is the challenge to write a little something each day.

SO...I've been thinking about creating some medium that allows me to record my near-constant stream of inner commentary, while occasionally adding in a few photographs.

I shall call it.....a BLOG.

And I shall make millions for this creation.

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