Team Photo

All they had to do was all look at the camera and smile. really, it's not that difficult is it?

Anyway, we all woke feeling very refreshed after what we reckon was about 10hours sleep! We packed everything except the nightlight we now realise and hit Mcdonalds for a pancake breakfast... Yet another tube adventure to the flat to drop our stuff off and then onwards to Kew Gardens.

We walked along the river and Lisa and I decided which house we would like. There was a rather pretty double fronted cottage overlooking the river with a For Sale board up...

Once in Kew, we did the obligatory "Creepers and Crawlers" bit, and the playarea outside. The children drew one or two funny looks at being SO excited at what little snow remained! Then for some culture we went into the Princess Diana house which was filled with the most stunning display of orchids for their Tropical Extravaganza - well worth a visit!

Lisa had booked us a table at their local for a knockout Sunday Lunch so we hauled our weary legs over there. The rosat was indeed splendid but I have to tell you the highlight. Those of you who now nme shall hopefully be able to "hear my tone" in the words of Ms Withers...

As we are getting ready to leave, another group are also leaving (we are sat by the door). A tall man with a pram is waiting by the door. I smile at him as I do at most people with prams. My little brain cogs click and whir and I think he looks familiar so I double take. And this time realise it is David Tennant. So I smile again as he walks out the door. And then stage whisper to the others that I have just seen David Tennant. The others all leap to their feet to look out of the window and agree. Bella asks who David Tennant is so Ben says "Doctor Who". At that moment Peter Davison turns and smiles at us, so Ben calls out "And THAT's Dr Who!" Peter Davison then goes out and presumably tells DT what has just happened as they look over and laugh at with us.

And yes, Lisa and I did then go on a recce of the pub to see if there were any more Doctors lurking.

Sadly all good things must come to an end and we headed off into the sunset and over the bridge into Wales for the second half of our half term jaunt...

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