Science Museum

Our first full day in London. We were up early (but not as early as it could have been) so were at the Science Museum for the doors opening. We walked there and by goodness it was cold! The walk from the Youth Hostel took us through Kensington and Chelsea so we made the most of the quiet streets to gawp at the garden squares, mews rows and beautiful houses...

We started at the top in Launchpad, well we stayed there for most of our visit to be honest. The kids seemed to enjoy it, especially the "Explosions" show. Red enjoyed the section on 'planes but by the ships bit we'd all had enough so we left.

Great excitement was had at travelling on the underground and at seeing snow! We went back to Antony and Lisa's for a bit before going for a walk along Chiswick High Street to Giraffe for tea. We decided enough was enough so we returned to the Hostel and were all in bed and asleep by 10pm!!

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