Shrove Tuesday

Firstly, here is yesterday's belated blip Mum xx

It's Shrove Tuesday, or Mardi Gras for the linguists amongst you, or pancake day if you are a child at heart!

I have happy memories of my Mum slaving for days over a hot stove to produce the biggest mountain of pancakes EVER! We would eat them before swimming AND after swimming and go to bed contented little piggies! I'm sure the reality was nothing like that but it is how I remember it.

After all the excitement of yesterday, I had a much calmer day pottering. Although Red and I did go through the car wash in a car obviously which was very exciting. Especially for Red as he got to sit in the front seat AND eat his packed lunch there!

No afternoon school run as the middle 2 both went to their BFFs house. Bella entertained Red while I slaved over the hot stove for hours making the biggest mountain of pancakes EVER!

Brownies involved pancakes - the girls did their own in foil dishes (that cakes/tarts/mince pies come in) held with pegs over tea lights. Some were very successful and some were a disaster!

We then had a very quick Thinking Day candle ceremony before it was time to say goodbye to 'Kanga' who had her last night with us. Sadly inconsiderately she can't be a Guider anymore due to work and family commitments. Happily, we have a new 'Tufted Owl' I think who has come to join our merry band!

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