All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Do it myself

Here's little Mr Independence giving it his best shot at buttering and peanut buttering his own toast this morning! He spent ages doing it ... and then refused to eat it!

It was my turn on early shift this morning. 6.15am start from Ethan. What's the betting we need to wake him after 7am for nursery tomorrow!

We met up with my friends Shona, Frances & Jo and their kids at Overboard soft play late morning. Ethan seemed to spend half his time gazing wistfully through the doors at the go carts and wasn't impressed when I wouldn't let him go on one!

He iced and decorated some fairy cakes with hubbie this afternoon (we cheated and bought plain ones in Sainsbury's rather than making our own).

This weekend has really flown by!

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