Just looking..

By ccleeve

One Year Old today!

I thought I'd better blip the cake while it was still whole - there's not much left now! Although D is still under the weather, he's much better and managed to stay awake long enough to open some presents, play with the packaging, charm all his adult visitors (no children as he's still ill) and eat lots of birthday cake.

The past year has just flown past. It's been a fantastic experience, yes there were some lows.... I remember when D wouldn't sleep until 3am, mastitis wasn't much fun and the the realisation that this small person really needs you is both wonderful, and scary at the same time... but overall we've had a great year! This next year sees us moving back to the UK and D probably starting nursery, so lots of new experiences to come.

I feel that today's blip should be of D, but today I'm so proud of my hedgehog cake (and D has a runny nose - close ups aren't great!) that the hedgehog wins :)

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