Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Bounce - February challenge 6/29

So the snow is still here, no fresh stuff but still white. Miss Pink wasn't impressed about going out in it to take Master Pink to school, and when we got home, she was very adamant that she was not going outside. So we had several tea parties, a camping trip with peppa pig, tea, more tea parties, peppa pig, dressing up, reading stories.....and I tidied up the tupperware cupboard (!!!). Getting dressed up again to collect Master Pink from school as another trauma for Miss Pink, but once she as outside she was more than happy to make footprints in the snow, and fling a bit of the white stuff around. Master Pink was very pleased to report that they had been allowed to play in the snow at school, and that he had meatballs for lunch, but that his socks had been wet until the afternoon and had spent the day on the radiator. (you can breath now)
He wanted to play in the garden when we got home, and so his shadow AKA Miss Pink wanted too as well. We played in the garden for a while, the mini pinks tried out the slide and trampoline to see if it was different in the snow. Master Pink had a go at chipping the ice away on the water play table with his hammer. I fed the birds. Then it was all back inside for some playdoh. challenge today was "bounce".Miss Pink decided the final shot on this one. We'd tried bouncing on the bed, and bouncing around the lounge, but this was the funniest by far.

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