Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Rust - February challenge 7/29

A rusty windchime in the garden.

Not a very blippy day today, but I went outside in my new snowboots (they are pink and very lovely) and took some photos of rusty things. The weelbarrow was by far the rustier, but I like my little windchimes and the sun was shining on them.

Miss Pink went to pre-school this morning; "I did cooking and painting and ate doughnuts and cooked tea party and I see Michelle".

Master Pink went to school; What did you do at school today?; "I don't know, I can't remember". later on......."I did painting today using my welly boots, and we did a talking button and my teacher said "hello" into it"....cue hilarious laughing.

After school we made banana cake together. I also made a chocolate cake for Mr Pink. My children will know how to make cake when they leave home if nothing else.

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