Red Squirrel


By My Own Fair hand - no.1

Well, shops to go to lunchtime, no time for blip hunting. Tonight I've had to get my horse's feeds sorted, wash my hair, sort a blip and get my dinner done - all before the 8pm kick-off of A Very Important Footie Match! lol
So - what to blip?
My comment in yesterday's blip about my paved circle having been laid by 'my own fair hand' made me realise that I have a few other things I've also made/done myself, which could be good emergency blips (having run out of Cobras to blip! lol). And that phrase could make a good blip-title.
So here's the first of them. Once upon a time, when I seemed to have a lot more spare time than I do nowadays, I used to make my own clothes often, or buy things and change them/embroider/dye etc.
This started life as the classic simple 'little black (velvet) dress'. OMG how boring! But it was at a knock down sale price and I saw potential in it, cut it down into a top and got busy embroidering. And this was the end result.
Dinner's now ready, it's nearly 8 o clock and the rest of my night's already mapped out.
Have a good evening y'all!.

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