One of those days

No reason for it. Feeling sluggish and anergic much of the day, after a slow start. Left my run until later and there were other things until I went out in late afternoon after collecting grandsons from school and kindy.

This is a shot of one of the panels on a large fence erected in a matter of days around the infamous hole in the ground in Ponsonby. Grandiose plans of a developer came to naught when the economy stalled. At that time a huge hole had been dig in the ground, and it collected water for a year or four. Recently, the site has been bought by an Australian based supermarket chain, and their first action was to tear down the wire netting around the sit and replace with wooden panels.

They have then contracted a number of well known local artists to paint murals on the fence, in part to discourage tagging. We are told that when the fence comes down the panels will be auctioned.

"Our Hood" features on one of the first panels to be painted. The house is a typical Ponsonby/Grey Lynn villa. Almost always built of kauri weatherboards. When I was a child our home was a small house of a straight fronted villa style. It had a return verandah along one side, with "French doors" into the sitting (living) room. This bay fronted style was more common in this area. Hibiscus and rose flowers are ubiquitous in this area, as is the red corrugated iron roof.

I resisted the temptation to include in the photograph a solitary man waiting for a bus just out of shot to the right. He had moved away when he saw me produce the camera, and I heeded his unspoken wish for privacy.

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