Small but perfectly formed
The big news of the day is that Conor has eaten an egg. No, I'm sure that wouldn't normally be big news in the life of a 7 year old, but it is for this 7 year old. He was allergic to eggs when he was little, but grew out of that allergy - which is quite common I think. However, despite having done an allergy test in the hospital which involved him eating an entire egg, he has refused to eat them since (unless they are combined with flour, butter and sugar in cake form). Today, Mr B persuaded him to try a quail's egg. And he liked it enough that he ate another two too. Every time we make a little breakthrough like this I can feel normality in his diet getting closer. He will (if past history is anything to go by) now deny that he liked the eggs and refuse to try another for at least six months. We'll see.
After a late start to the day (after last night's late night trip to the airport for Mr B) and a quick trip to the market filled up the morning. Mr B excitingly needed a haircut and has now had his first French hairdresser experience. That all seemed to go well and, as it had been clear to the hairdresser that he couldn't speak french since I was giving the haircut requests, he said he had the haircut in delightful silence with no stilted conversation about holidays required.
Now Katherine has a friend over (who arrived with a single rose for me and a pot of flowers for Katherine - she can come again!) and Mr B has decided today is a no work day. I imagine there will be early opening of fizz and some lazing around.
Snow forecast tomorrow, so I'd best go and dig out the spare hot water bottles and everyone's thermals.
PS: yes, Conor is wearing a shirt and tie. His choice. I just asked him to put something clean on.
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