Edible world

By RawAppetite

Juice for January: carrot & grapefruit

Definitely my favourite. I have to be careful to check the mirror afterwards: carrot has a tendency to stain.

Many people are reluctant to juice, either because they hate the thought of cleaning up afterwards, or because they don't like the idea of wasting the fibre. The cleaning thing in reality doesn't take 2 mins, and I can make use of the fibre by giving it to the chickens, putting it into crackers or soup, or lastly, onto the compost heap. As I have a lot of fibre in the rest of my diet I don't worry about extracting it for juice. I can see how you might be concerned if this isn't so; in which case, the answer would be to eat more wholefoods, or just drink more smoothies. Hope this doesn't sound too simplistic, but you are missing out if you let these surmountable problems get in the way of enjoying a delicous, clean, life-enhancing slurp.

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