Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Happy Birthday to you...

My dad was 70 today and he took us all out for a beautiful meal to celebrate. I didn't technically take this photo, obviously as I'm in it, but who cares!

I finished painting the downstairs loo this morning which has been a bit disappointing as the blind and towels don't really go with the paintwork - oops! I had the paint free from my dad and as it was blue I thought it would be easy to just buy blue accessories to go with it - wrong!! It's completely the wrong shade of blue. Do I take the blind back and lose money on the towels, which I've already washed, or do I repaint? Or do I just get a big picture and hope nobody notices? Yep I think I'll go for option 3 - it's only the bog at the end of the day!

I also went for a school visit but I'm not going to bother applying for the jobs as there's no point! I didn't really like the school either. I managed to squeeze in a trip to the supermarket before the boys came home too so all in all it was a very busy day. It didn't end there as before going out for a meal and after the boys arrived home I had to help my middle son make a castle out of cardboard for his homework. It's due in on Friday so we're going to have to just do a bodge job! Why do teachers set tasks like this for homework? It's such a big thing that parents have to help and it ends up feeling like my homework not my sons!

Happy 70th Dad and thanks for the meal xxxxxxxx Love you.

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