Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Chateau Lewis

We finished the castle today and here it is in all its glory. Still a bit wet but let's hope it's dry by the morning when it'll be taken in to school. In case you haven't read my last entry my son's history homework was to make a castle. It took ages and I do feel as though such a large task like this is really partly homework for parents as well as children. With my teacher's head on though I can see the benefits of setting this type of homework - it's easy to mark!!

I didn't work again today. This term has been very slow and so far I've only worked one day each week. I do need to try and push myself a bit more with the agency but I'm scared of getting a really bad school!

My cold is clearing up and I felt much better than yesterday so I ventured to the gym. It's the first time I've been in just over a week as I've been decorating and had a busy weekend but I managed to do 400 calories all the same and felt very healthy when I left.

Apart from the gym and tweaking the castle, I did a bit of shopping and some tidying up. I cannot believe that it's Friday already tomorrow and I really cannot believe that the kids have only got 2 more week before half term. Time is zooming by at lightning speed at the moment.

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