From Across the Pond...

By transatlantic

So this is what they mean by "Desk Job"

Just before his departure yesterday for a month in the U.S., our Director Norton passed me a few big torches on the business end of SAEP. As our new fiscal year has just begun, my projects are to manually move all of our books/records over to a new accounting program, build a new budget for the upcoming year, and merge all of our performance statements for the separate U.S. and S.A. entities. So, whoever decided to paint the entire room that blank gray color, well, I'd like to give them a firm handshake. Three cheers for Feng Shui!

Anyway, this part of the job is all about that extra bullet point on my resume, and it's worth spending a few hours in that stark landscape everyone calls "the office." I'm hoping to escape on enough adventures to avoid taking any more pictures like this.

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