Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Truro Cathedral, three spires, three valleys.


I was going to crop most of this image then realised the Cathedral is so integral to the heart of Truro that the surrounding houses and streets are in fact part of the scene. Unfortunately, as is the case in many cities and towns, the planners of the 60s and 70s deserve to be put in the stocks for allowing bland "modern" eyesores to be built alongside ancient buildings.

There has been a parish church on the spot since at least 1259 but the cathedral was only commenced in 1880.

The previous incumbent, loved by all, including heretical sinners such as me, was Bishop Bill. A delightful roly-poly man, always thinking of people not just his flock. I bumped into him one sunny morning as he left the Cathedral grounds. He was deep in thought, I simply said, "Morning Bishop." Whereupon he nearly filled his nappy. I hadn't realised how many miles away he was. Part of his diocese are the Scilly Isles, you may have seen him take a dip in the sea during the "Isalnd Parish" TV series; as he thought it the right thing to do if one is travelling to the Scillies. Great character, since his retirement he is missed. It is a strange unwritten rule that a Bishop must move from his diocese, to another location on retirement. Supposedly preventing discord. I fear this was a great mistake in the case of Bishop Bill, who genuinely loves this area.


We were walking this morning and met a couple of similar age. The lady looked at Toots, then me and asked, "How old?" I replied, "59, and you?" Then we all burst into the giggles. Helps the day, although Mrs Booty does wonder why the local ship's chandlers no longer stock those iron restraining devices, I can chew through the leather ones overnight.

Truro cathedral website.

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