Who knew?

By InOtherNews

The racks

The silhouetted racking here houses our rough sawn timber in the yard. When this beautiful little sunrise graces us at 7.32am I'm unlikely to get a better view than looking up at these racks: jewson in Lincoln isn't renowned for it's great views. However a ball-shrinkingly cold morning combined with a crisp and clear sky ensured that I had some colourful interest in the background of my shot. Chuffed? Yup.

Didn't last long I've been a right moody bastard at work today. I said I'd take the first three months feeling my way into the job, and then after Xmas begin the big revolution. The big revolution isn't really happening. I'll give two or three their due - they're trying hard to up their game. However there are one or two who just seem to take the mickey all the time. I kid you not one person has been late every day this year and has left before their finish time every day this year as well..... however I can't jump on it without support: support I don't think I'll get.

In other news I've been watching some TV and have noted the Iceland (or Farmfoods, not sure all these cheap and nasty freezer shop ads merge into one) adverts.

"At Iceland you can get six burgers for £3"

(Kids voice) "but Mummy you can get twelve for £5"

"At Iceland you can get a hundred prawns for three pound"

(kids voice) "but Mummy you can get three hundred for a fiver"

You know what kid, why don't you shut the f*ck up and let me get on with the shopping? When you start to contribute more than moaning you can help, until then go sit in the car with your bloody father. All he does is try and sneak chicken snacks in my trolly, and now I've got you banging on in my bloody ear. lets face it you only want sweets anyway and as your five your maths is probably crap and I'll end up[ with a £300 shopping bill.

Anyway low on laughs today, but high on colourful skies and cheeky charm.

NEWS JUST IN: I'm sat watching Notting Hill and I just wanted to say that Ronan Keating might be a tool, but that song about saying nothing (y'know the one, where he slurs the chorus like a drunkard) is a quality little ditty. Hugh Grant carries the bumbling English gent act perfectly as well. I don't care if people think I'm sad for that. I don't care!!!

ps I like Elton John, Emmerdale and country music. So there.

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