More racking

This time vertical and storing PSE timber and skirtings. Cheapest prices found at Jewsons etc etc.

Feeling really off form today with a few achey muscles and a bit of a headache. This was offset by some good chatter with Scottish Power that ended up apparently saving me £275 and a further £6 a month for the next 18. Last week they had goons hammering on my door wanting best part of 500 nicker, this weekend they've got a special deal for me and a fat saving.

In other news Lincoln were meant to be playing Carshalton tonight but it's been postponed until tomorrow. The story is that Carshalton couldn't get a ref to inspect the pitch until 5.30 and didn't want Imps coaches setting off.

I have to admit it does sound a bit Mickey Mouse. I wonder if one of the players Dads might run the line and dole out half time oranges?

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