Who knew?

By InOtherNews

If you go down to the woods today

you might get run over by an adrenaline junkie flying through the air on a £1000 bike. Not your stereotypical Sunday woodland stroll, but a great afternoon.

Mr Mysterious came over to my neck today, or as I know him 'my little Bro'. I've got some fairly good access to a members only trailblazing club from near Rasen through my good mate Fish. I wanted to have a catch up and our kid wanted to give his new camera a woork out. I've screwed these shots up twice already, but to be fair I'm fairly chuffed with this. I had about six I could have used.

In other news it sounds like my Mum and Aunty June are going to come through the ceiling playing on the Wii in her lounge. It's directly above my room and frankly isn't built for a keep fit class. I can't say too much though as I can make a fair noise when watching football. Actually I had a little outbreak of laughs at Jason Mamford last night, he's a funny sod. I'd love to be a stand up like that, only I don't really do jokes. I do anecdotes about arses or exposed members quite well, but I don't think me telling an audience what a muppet I was as a younger man is really entertaining.

and finally, I'm missing Fe quite a bit. We saw each other three weeks on the spin over Xmas, and this weekend is the first one where it hasn't been practical. I'm gutted as the lounge carpet really needs a vacuum and I save that for her on her visits as she enjoys it.Honest. The girl enjoys vacuuming, and who am I to ruin her entertainment by actually doing half the job first. I swear if you saw the look on her face afterwards as she proudly displays a clear plastic container full of shit from my floor, then you'd never vacuum again. It makes her day.


(for the record I do miss a few other things as well, like conversation and all that other couply type stuff)

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