No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella


A busy day today ferrying wee C to dancing and a birthday party, and in between, me and wee D did the shopping for ingredients for dinner and birthday presents for more schoolchildren (it's never-ending!).

After all that, it was time for some sit-down fun for the kids with their daddy - finally a chance for them to play Skylanders, a game for the Xbox that hubby bought last week. They loved it, although wee D ran away and hid when the (not very) scary baddies came on screen. To play a character, you place the toy version on the 'portal' and it appears on the screen - very clever. Needless to say, you can buy expansion sets for this, with other character toys and objects that open hidden sections of the game when placed on the portal. What a money-spinner.

Kept them out of mischief for a while though... :-)

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