No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Another reason to love Apple...

So Apple have decided that there's some fault with the batteries in some batch of first generation iPod Nanos.

I had a 1st gen iPod Nano which I won in a raffle a number of years ago, and which eventually got passed down to wee C to use. The battery started to fail and by last summer it wasn't holding a charge for any length of time. I didn't imagine it would be one of that batch, in fact I didn't even know about the recall until I saw a thread on a forum on the Money Saving Expert website, but when we keyed in the serial number in the Apple website, it turned out that it was.

After a few weeks of waiting for a repaired old Nano, Apple have actually sent us a replacement one instead - a brand new 6th generation touch-screen Nano with twice the memory - result!! Not bad for a freebie - thanks, Apple! :-)

Wee C will be delighted. But now wee D will want one too... Think we'll buy a headphone splitter - much cheaper!

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