Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Fuzzy rubbish tree thing

We can't do our favourite walk up the hill past our house at the moment because there are cows and bulls wandering around freely in virtually any field they feel like. I can't risk getting Tess or the dog crushed by them running over to have a look at us purely out of bovine nosiness. It's a shame because it's totally lovely/gorgeous/therapeutic/panoramic and usually Dylan can be off the lead when we're up there and properly let off young dog steam.

So instead I went for a road walk with a bouncy dog and a child on a scooter. There were too many cars and holding a camera and lead and guiding a bad enthusiastically swerve-y scooter driver was tricky.

It was cold and bright and felt like winter (Hooray! I don't like mild weather in winter) The sky started to make itself all pretty as we headed home but to be honest I was beginning to wish I hadn't taken my camera (or perhaps the child... or the dog...!)

What I can't figure out with this photo is why when I zoomed in on it there was plenty of detail but when I cropped it it went all fuzzy...

(I think this photo is pretty poor. Just posting something for the sake of it! I refuse to miss a day!)

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