Red Squirrel



Due to huge demand after my mentioning it in yesterday's blip (well - from Liz and Roy anyway! lol) I've spent ages getting some sort of blip of my tattoo.

Bloody hell Good grief, what hard work that proved to be! One has to bear in mind that it had to be taken in 3 shots, and that it runs round about 3/4 of my arm, so obviously isn't on a flat surface. It's damned hard shooting the back area of your arm when you can't actually see what you're doing! And nigh-on impossible to get the 3 shots exctly right in orientation so they look like the tat actually does have straight edges!
Due to the intricacies of it all, doing a proper splice produced a total cock-up mess of it.
So I resorted to cutting the areas I wanted using PhotoPlus, pasting as images into my word processor, then pissing faffing about positioning, arranging etc until something resembling my tat was produced. Then I snapped the image displayed on my laptop screen. Phew.
This has to be the hardest blip I've done - and I don't plan to try another like it any time in the near future. Aaaargh.
The resultant image has made me realise how much brighter the colours were when I originally had it done about 10 and 1/2 years ago - I used blipfoto's editing tools to try to get them looking better - time my tat had a touch-up I think!
Incidentally, the cartouche in the centre has my name in heiroglyphs inside it.

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