This day

By snapper

See saw!

My tinternet is still acting up! When are BT going to get their act together and give the whole country decent broadband coverage? They were caught sleeping when the internet began and rather than catch up, they are keeping everyone back with their bloody mindedness! Time folks started tweeting how bad they are , nothing like a bit of public naming and shaming! (did I spell that right?) and my spotify is also acting up and I am beginning to hate all things technological!

As you can see Mr Saw man was out today and managed to saw a few logs before rain stopped play. I asked him what the diffirence rain made again but he did point out it was an electric saw! I already have one insurance claim in for roof damage, not sure if I would want to submint one for damage!

Youngest off down the road to a concert so place to ourselves!! That just means ~I will have to cook something decent!
Camera club last night was a hoot as they were trying to decide which out of 40 pics to pick 14 for some competition, great fun as some of the wrinklies were getting a bit up tight however we decided the democtatic way was to open the folder with the remaining shots and each scrutinise them in the privacy of our own home who we would like left in or chucked out! at least it avoided the night of the long knives (or should that be long lenses?)

Ach Im away back to my boring cooking, scampie and risotto (may have spelled that wrong too) blipfoto should add a spell checkecr for us dyslexics!

Have a good blip evening all

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