Off Centre

By RachelCarter


Okay, so zero out of ten for an imaginative title.

I love how nature can cheer us up with unexpected flashes of colour.

I looked out and saw how the sunset had turned the table mauve and before I knew it I was crouching in the half dark with my camera and a camellia flower that had been begging to be photographed all day.

I'm currently sitting in front of my OU books and sulking. I have been sulking for four hours or running off to make a cup of tea or do the washing, make a cup of tea, let the dog out, make a cup of tea, take a photo, make a cup of tea.
I'm not sure why I'm running away from my studies - it's not like anyone's forcing me to do it! And it's interesting too. Maybe it's the pressure and panic of getting so far behind. I do work better when I'm ahead - it gives me a winning/ achieving feeling I suppose. Which is daft because I got my best mark for my last TMA - which was a rushed, last minute 'I'm not sure this is right, that'll have to do' thing.

Oh I don't know.
I have a feeling I'm talking crap!

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