Off Centre

By RachelCarter


When someone you love dies it's like an injury.
You can do without the injured part for a time but then you find you need it again.
But it never recovers...
And you miss it.
And you have to learn to live without it. It's like physiotherapy in a way.

I adored my dad and miss him more each year. I keep putting everything I want to tell him on hold and now I feel like I've waited too long.

I had an idea for a photo for today.
There are 3 separate photos of our three children on our dining room wall that Dad gave me as a birthday present before he became ill.

I wanted to photograph the kids today holding their photos to show how much they've changed but Joel is ill with a virus, and I spent 2 and a half hours on the phone to Mum this evening...
So that photo will have to wait.

Mum and I agreed that you need a day to wear your heart on your sleeve because all the other days people expect you to act like nothing's happened.

Richard presented me with this white rose bouquet out-of-the-blue today and before I knew it my face was stinging with hot tears.

My heart is on my sleeve.

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