Treading water!

Thats what today felt like all this itty bitty stuff to do. Had to contact insurance company re roof of our house. My heart sank when on came the robotic voice but I have to say a few buttons pressed and I got a very pleasant lass who spoke perfect English and was resident in this country. She was very helpful and processed my claim over the phone and all I have to do is phone back tomorrow with an estimate and she understood my difficulties when I told her the location was on an island with not a lot of trades people about, so fingers crossed!

Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things so tonight its off to my really serious camera club for its frist meeting this year. I hope to improve my photography to some extent and think I will concentrate on learning to use and understand filters better to begin with.

Time to go and start the dinner. Wish they would invent a pill with diffirent flavours where you only had to add water and voila! a ready cooked meal. This says the one who hates ready made meals! Dream on lass!

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