Smash Putt

Brunch at Pambiche - I love this place and this was exactly what the Dr. ordered after such an indulgent evening. I felt surprisingly good when I woke up and didn't have a hangover or a headache or anything. Jer on the other hand wasn't doing as well as me....but nothing like a super strong coffee and pineapple/banana shake to cure things.

Super fast drive home - it was gorgeous and traffic was just flying. Made it back from Portland in about 2h and 20mins (which may have been a record).

Bandy bought us tickets to smash putt for Christmas - it was a 15 hole course inside a factory and each hole was a different challenge - trying to get the ball through different courses; loop-de-loops, spinning mazes, skee ball course and other various fun and crazy scenarios. It was super fun and it was a 21+ evening, so needless to say we had a couple of beers to add to the challenge.

Afterward went to Tamarind Tree for a late night dinner.

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