13 years

How time flies - I've been saying that a lot lately.

Thirteen years ago I met the love of my life in Chinese class - never would have thought from that brief encounter that we would have been married and living in Seattle and have had so many experiences and memories in between.

This was taken this morning as I was rushing out the door to work. Ended being about 5 minutes late to work, but I'm glad I got this shot. The colors aren't even edited....just had a little speck that must have been a spot on my lens.

I love Seattle sunrises/sunsets. We've had an incredible winter so far, and so warm. If this magnificent sunrise is any indication of what 2012 has in store for me, then bring it on!

**eerie coincidence - my photo from exactly ONE year ago today is a sunrise picture again, taken from a very similar vantage point**

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