Australia: Gold and Green

This photo explains why Australia's international colours are gold and green. This is the rail bridge just outside Lithgow in the Blue Mountains. Through the arches you can see the arches of the sister bridge.

We started today with a quick (though not above legal limits) circuit of the Bathurst V8 Supercars track. I'm not into car racing but my travelling companion is so this was an important one on her bucket list - I did it just to have done it and so that I could skite to my brother-in-law about it. (Leigh: make sure you show that comment to Mike).

From there we headed to the Blue Mountains where I crossed a couple of things off my "personal challenges" list. I have a major fear of heights so for all my advanced years I've never managed to get myself into a gondola - well that's not true, I did get in one once but had a panic attack and had to get out again before it even started. Today I nailed that one - going in the railcar that travels down 52 degree incline and then, after a lovely bush walk, traveling back up by the 'skyway' which is a gondola.

On the bush walk I also met Australian rock wrens and took some really bad photos of them - they are such tiny birds and they are so fast!

In Sydney now and all set for the challenge of mixing sightseeing and shopping tomorrow - those of you who know me will be surprised to hear that I have been in Australia for a week now and haven't really been shopping yet. Tomorrow shall remedy this!

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