Moa egg?

The egg on the right is a normal, free range supermarket egg - probably a size 6. The one on the left is from a guy that sells eggs at the Mt Pleasant Community Centre market, he calls them "moa eggs" and mum got me a dozen last weekend. They are pretty impressive!

Apparently they come from "normal" chickens who lay the usual size egg but then produce these giants on the second lay of the day. Oh how their eyes must water! I have talked about the moa in a previous blip.

We had a great evening last night with our friends Ben and Jan. Ate Thai, played petanque and Taboo!

We had a good day together today - usual trek to the hospital (but we can leave it a day as Dave's blood is now thinning nicely!) then ripped into the garden. Removed 4 big yucca's which were hideous and full of spiders. Then out a whole lot of shrubs etc and took a load to the dump. I intend to replace the yuccs with white lacecap hydrangeas.

Looking at my blips I see it is ironic (unintentional!) that I blipped eggs today - see my egg entry of one year ago!

Will sleep well tonight.

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