Genealogy afternoon - a promise

I spent a few hours today going through all my family records to finally start to write up a "book" on my father and his lineage. I've gathered a lot of info on many family trees I am associated with and now I really need to focus on them one at a time and get them documented!

I'll start with this one because my half-brother told me the other week that he knows very little about his father's family. I was very young when my father left us and went back to Kenya where, a few years later he remarried and had another daughter and a son. I hadn't actually appreciated that Andrew was pretty young too when our father left his second family to head off to Scotland to live out the rest of his life.

I've met my half sister and brother just once, about 24 years ago in the UK when they were teenagers but in recent years we've reconnected via Facebook. Would love to go back to Kenya and meet them properly! Especially now Jeni has two wee ones of her own. One day....

The book "Brave Men's Blood" is about the Zulu Wars. My great-great grandfather was killed in the battle at Isandlwana.

The attractive couple you see in the photo is my mum and my father.

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