Canterbury Beach Scene

This is Birdling's Flat, about 30 mins from home. It is a non-swimming beach - pebbles and rips and undertows so people go there for fishing and beachcombing. I was going to blip this rather unusual but very symmetrical view of a beachcomber but Dave says it was too rude and would put people off their dinner. View at your peril!

Wikipedia tells us: "Birdling's Flat, originally named Poranui, is a settlement in Canterbury, New Zealand, close to the shore of Lake Ellesmere / Te Waihora. Birdling's Flat also commonly refers to the nearby pebble beach that is part of Kaitorete Spit. The beach is well known as a place to find small Agates and a variety of other attractive rounded pebbles.

Birdling's Flat is named for the Birdling family, who were the first European Settlers to farm the area. William Birdling, the first member of the Birdling family to arrive in New Zealand built a house, Waikoko, in the area which was later to bear his name."

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