Nordisk Museut

We visited the Nordisk Nordisk Museut today. It was absolutely mindblowing! It was founded in the late 19th Century and dedicated to the cultural history and ethnography of Sweden from the Early Modern age (which for purposes of Swedish history is said to begin in 1520) until the contemporary period. It is huge, and I mean HUGE! The main hall is 124m long and 40m high!

I covered almost half of it, and just simply could not walk one step further, I just sat on a bench until I had the energy to walk to the bus stop! The rest of the family managed a bit more, but there is just no way you sould see it all in one day!

I loved the 'Doll's Houses' the most, I mean, knowing how crazy I am about little things, like charms and miniature furniture and cutlery and crockery, and ..... and ..... and! I took zillions of pictures for the day, and had a real hard time choosing a blip for tonight! There were lovely exhibits of toys, especially the toy trains from loooooong ago, and old fashioned cameras, as well as old radios, televisions, furniture and fashion!

But if I have to choose, I will have to publish this one, from one of the many doll's houses on display! Just check the lovely little tea cup and note book on the little table, the lamp shades, the heater against the wall, the little bookshelf against the wall and ahhhh, everything! The quality of the picture is quite poor because of the fact that it is displayed behind glass and I was not allowed to use flash!

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