Alfred Nobel

R snr and M&Z visited the burial site of Alfred Nobel, 21/10/1833 to 10/12/1896, today. Impressive site, and lovely when it's all snowed up like today! This stone marks the burial place of several of his family members as well: Immanuel Nobel, I guess his father *24/03/1801 to 03/09/1872; Andrietta Nobel, his mother, *30/12/1803 to 01/12/1889, Emil Nobel, a brother? *29/10/1843 to 03/09/1864 and Emanuel Nobel, his son? *22/06/1859 to 31/05/1932.

There are beautiful stones in this historical grave yard and lots of them seem to be 'Family Graves' with lots of names engraved on them! I noticed a picture of one where the husband died at the age of about 65 but the wife was buried in February this year, when she was almost 100 years of age, she was born in October 1911.

They've walked zillions of km's today, I am soooo glad C, A, R jnr and I opted to stay home today!! Hiehiehie!

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