This day

By snapper

Boxed in!

Well as regards the dog saga its now plan C! They broke the defences of the plastic door only when we went to let them out this morning everything looked fine, it wasnt till we slid open the plastic door were we greeted with the once more emptied bin only this time the bin was still in the cupboard. One of them must have just pushed the plastic and the door just swung in the way with one sneaky pooch going in and doing the raiding but which one? Sam is small and chunky and well smart and able, ~Abbie though she may look as thick as mince is actually quite smart (it is she who jumps up on the units) and the pup is strong enough also to do the deed!
Tonights I am in glasgow so I took the pup with me and hubby has toughened up the barricade something akin to the Churchill Barriers! We shall see what transpires tonight.
Had to rush to Glasgow to meet with gas man and the damn boiler has gone on the blink. He says its the fan and he gave it liberal skooshes of WD40 and charged me £50 ! the dearest WD40 I ever skooshed! Here's hoping it lasts till he gets a new fan! however I had better prepare and get a new gas canister for the big heater (if it still works) and get one or two smaller electric ones to tide us over the festive period.
The above box is my Christmas pressie from the family, I know what it is and I wanted to leave it home in Argyll as it weighs a ton! Hubby said no take it down as it will be nice to open it. He put it in the car and this evening #1 daughter and I tried taking in into the house. Well you should have seen us trying to maneouvre this heavy box along the pavement, up two sets of stairs and we were laughing so hard that the neighbours must have thought we were drunk! We had just been to see Sherlock Holmes (very good) and we tried the technique of walking together then turning on the count of three to negotiate the stairs. Well that was the theory. The daft thing is the bloody box will have to go back home! well hubby can lift it next time.

Whats in it? time will tell!

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