
These folks were my parents' neighbours for over 30 years. They moved from next door to a main door one level flat due to ill health. They are both in their mid eighties and this is their youngest daughter just over from Poland as her dad is Polish. They are still fairly healthy and witty. The lady telling me she had donated some organs for research. When her daughter asked which ones she replied.."I can't remember" we all had a good laugh, shared a few glasses of fine wine and some good stories of times past and its always nice to visit them.

This evening #1 daughter dragged me off to Braehead for some last minute shopping. I just sat at Starbucks and people watched. I even saw a frasseled deaf family having an arguement in sign language!
Also today I went to get my denture plate fixed but eneded up having to do the top one too. This is going to cost! Finally I got chubby hubbies Crimbo pressie and my sons, that just leaves a few wee bits and bobs and of course the food to buy. Getting there but oh watching these people fighting in Primark, M&S etc , not for me

Have a good blip evening all

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