This day

By snapper

Dog house!

Was at Fort William for a meeting which took all day. Had left the three amigoes in the kitchen in the vain hope that they would not wreck the place! #2 daughter came home to mayhem! When we left we were confident they wouldnt get up to anything as I had bought one of these folding plastic doors and hubby had fitted it across the offending back cupboard so we were sure they wouldnt get near the bin or the cupboard contents! WRONG!.
Somehow they managed to curcumvent the plastic folding (useless door) and got to the bin, emptied the bloody contents all over the place. These bins are like Campbells condensed soup! one doggy slobber and the entire contents doubles! plus they scoffed all the rabbit food! One of them will be c*****g pellets!
Plan B we have now purchased some sort of trellis thingy to put across the other door way, (previous neighbour had removed the door between the back and the back door and he has sorted the plastic door so it can be locked shut and they can't push it in so tonight they will be in the space behind the back door and the plastic door with the other gap blocked by the trellis! So here's hoping that works of it will be plan C!

Got the Mrs Brown's Boys DVD and God its so funny, its a long time since I have laughed so much at a comedy, what a hoot. Better than Fr Ted by a long shot, must try it out on my pal!.

Off to Glasgow tomorrow, a few more pressies to get. Some for the golden oldie friends of my parents I still keep up with.
Got a call from home from my neighbour to say our friend of 52 had passed away with cancer. This lass had fought it for some 5 years or more, the soul. What a time to have to contend with such a thing! Sadly I can't get over to the funeral but I will light a candle for her and her family. I also learned an old friend of my mothers from home also died, there is fewer and fewer for me to visit when I go home. Ach such is life.
Photo is of one guilty dog talking to #1daughter on the ipad. Technology or what!

Have a good blip all

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