Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse

Our festive front door

I wanted to take a picture of the outside of the house with the bridge lights on in the windows. When I switched on, one set of lights had failed so I just took the front door. (Mike has since replaced a bulb and now we are fully illuminated!) I know it's a bit dark but that's how it is at the end of another rather grey, damp and gloomy day.
I am feeling much better and looking forward to friends coming this evening. After a pre-prandial we are walking down to The Dog & Gun for a meal. Last night we were partying with friends in their lovely house in a village a few miles further north. It had once been Barclay's Bank and the conversion to a house was brilliant. Tomorrow my daughter K is visiting so looking forward to more eating and drinking with a bit of shopping thrown in. Will I be able to stand the pace? Oh yes, I think so!

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