
We went out! Like, properly Out Out! For dinner!

With Charley of course, but that's a given really as he's still only a couple of days shy of 4 weeks old.

Ben, by the time we got to the pub (yeah ok we only went to a pub for dinner but still it's a big thing and it was nice too!) was asleep. At his friends' house, in their bedroom!

Three years old and off on his first sleepover. Interesting to see how he does for the rest of the night! Hayley is a brave lass taking Ben for the night :) She picked him up just after midday and when they got to her house he announced that he was going to sleep with Robert and Kathryn, and that if he woke up in the night that Hayley was to cuddle him! We had talked about it quite a lot during the morning so it's good to know that some of it went in :) We'll see is he remembers this if he does wake up in the night.

We had a lovely meal out together, Charley was also good as gold and we got lots of cuddles with him! He was happy to sleep on our chests. Which we like, so that's ok!

I'm glad the day finished better than it started. This whole painful joints thing is having a bit of a side effect in that I'm feeling more and more irritable when Ben nurses. He can't just sit/lie quietly - he has to fiddle and I don't even think he realises he's doing it. But I'm getting more and more "touched out" by it. When I'm not still half asleep or trying to wake up slowly after another tough night it's bearable, as I just redirect his hands. But when I'm grouchy anyway because I'm in pain, still exhausted, and only just got Charley off me - the last thing I want is Ben screaming that he wants beebee NOW and sobbing because I say no because I'm hurting so much.

But, as usual, once I was up things got better. We actually had breakfast together. I'm learning at the moment that it's best just to present him with food, rather than ask what he wants, so I made porridge and although he kept getting down and going to see what Mister Maker or Katy I Can Cook were doing he ate most of it.

Then it was a case of packing his bags and waiting for Hayley and he really was very excited!

This afternoon Charley slept in the wrap. I ate things that the diabetes nurse and midwife would be horrified about - mulled wine, brie, bread with a slab of butter on top, chocolate brownie. Pure carbohydrate!! Gorgeous :D We went for a walk to the stationers and the post office for various bits, and Charley carried on sleeping.

Steve came home earlyish, fed up. We were supposed to be going out with the Steyning lot for a Christmas meal tonight but somebody complained about the fact we were going to be taking Charley with us, so we decided not to go. At the time neither of us were that bothered but this evening it has bothered us both. So it took a while to stop being grumpy for long enough to get out of the house - it would have been a shame to miss out on going out for a meal at all, especially as Ben was elsewhere.

It was nice to spend time together and I have to admit that going to the pub for a meal with my husband was far more relaxing for me than going out with the B&W crew....

Steve took some nicer pictures than I did this evening, he'll blip one eventually I hope.

Looking forward to a night uninterrupted by Ben yelling "MUMMY" at the top of his lungs from down the hall :D

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