More Than Words


Oh to be in Italy, admiring the fiat bambinos and vespas. Alas, I'm not, I've just taken a photo of a poster in a coffee shop in Concord (Sydney) which has had a large Italian presence as there were many economic migrants following the second world war. I apologize for plagiarising someone else's work but there is no name on the poster to give them the credit. I can claim to have a partner who has 2 vespas (and one lambretta) so I'm surrounded by Italian paraphernalia at home.
I'm at Saturday cricket (obviously not watching it!) but we will definitely lose today. The ground was like a sodden field last week and had not been mowed for ages-hence it was impossible to score runs. This week the opposition are batting and the ground has been mowed and it will be very easy for them to score the required runs. As you can see from my coffee shop adjournment, I will not be devastated but my son does take it quite seriously. All the kids are tired because yesterday was the last day of school and there were many parties to attend (and very little work done) in the last week. Sydney is a bit of a ghost town in January as lots of people go on holiday. I quite like staying at home because it's quiet and you can enjoy Sydney without the crowds. I tell myself this as it's not possible to go away with Liam yet-he really only likes being at school, in the car or in the house. I feel sorry for my older boys who are always asking to go on holiday but it wouldn't be fun if outings went pear shaped on a daily basis. You can never predict what will frighten or overwhelm L. Well, i suppose I should go back and be a supportive Mum!

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