
Spent all day incarcerated in my pals flat in Edinburgh working on this bloody form! I'm half ways there but God but the garbage I have writ! Stupid questions like "please tell about your project including specifics and delivery analysis" In the name of Creation what the Hell does that mean and who writes this crap in the first place? "Delivery analysis" thats like something a bloody midwife would ask!
Anyhows finally escaped this evening and went out for dinner with my pal. Walked up and down the damn road before we found a place I thought I would like, settled on a new chic wee Tally place but my stuffed pork when I disected it came with stuffing that looked like something my dog threw up and for that reason alone it remained port side on my plate! the sweet, home made Tiramasu was to die for and I would have scoffed several more. Being Tally it was fronted by the usual OTT Tally manager you used to get years back full of pseudo charm but cursed you to Hell and back on the other side of the kitchen door(I know as I once worked in one such place in Glasgow city centre)
Went to pay with my debit card and lo no machine (ok I can forgive them as they were very new) so went to cash hole round the corner. Out of order! bugger, walked up the road to the next one, sorry out of order (what is it with these Edinbugh folk? do they all keep their spondoolaks under the bed so cash machines remain empty and idle?) had to walk even further up the flaming road, the folks must have thought I had done a runner!
Eventually at the top of a hill and by now peching my guts out with exhaustion I found a money spewer that worked. Got my loot and after a treck came back to pay only to find my pal imersed in the dialy rag that passes for a paper in that city, don't think she even notiecd I had gone, (shows what a conversationalist I am!)
Back at the flat nursing a whisky and lemonade ready to do battle tomorrow with the rest of this stupid form and its Gestapo questions.
Picture is of a wee elifunk outside some coffee shop and guess what it wasnt nailed down! well seeing this isnt Glasgow!

Have a good evening all

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