Taxing !

Im sitting here surrounded by car documents! First is the docs for my son's car which is due at the end of this month so need to get that down to him. Second is the Tax renewal docs for chubby hubby's car. third is the new registration doc in my name for my newly acquired car . As I have misplaced the original docs for my old car I had to fill in some bloody form to get that which hopefully will be before the end of the month as its tax is also due then but as its kaput it will be sorned. Finally after all that gets sorted I then need to fill in yet another flaming form to transfer the reg plates from my old car to my now one! Keep up!
Just back from evening plod with dogs who are now demanding to be fed! While earlier was in Oban to attend an AGM at 10.30 am !! who the Hell has an AGM at that time of the morning? Well its dinner time soon so that will be yesterday's leftovers then feet up time to chill. Braw!
Happy blipping all

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