Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Bit Of A Cheek

I love a bargain and saw a box of 15 cans of Pepsi for £3. What? I'm too mean to buy pop regularly for the boys so I thought, being almost Christmas, I would treat them to the box. I left it in the car, otherwise they would demolish the whole lot in one sitting. I asked if they'd like a can of Pepsi....ooooh Mum...they were well pleased. I walked in with one each for them and we all cracked up because they are like two thirds of the size of a proper can of pop! What a bargain, not!!

I know it gives the amount on the can but who is going to check it out when there's a bargain to be had? Well, Graham would have (of course) and calculated the things to see if they really were a bargain....blah de blah...

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