
SWMBO is in bed not feeling well.

Probably this rotten weather and the changes in air pressure.

I have been sitting -bored - doing nowt.

So I thought I would do a wee bit of experimentation.

I got out the feathes I had picked up at the begining of the week and stuck the macro lens on the camera and snapped these images.

I then got more adventurous and propped a black reflector up and got out the flash gun which was switched onto 'remote' so I could use it off the camera.

Then it was just a case of pouring some lemonade into a glass and dropping in a raspberry or two.

My choice of champagne flute was wrong though, because the curves are too tight and tend to through things out of focus too quickly.

The title refers to what I said when I knocked the glass over when it was balanced on top of the flash gun to get the bottom lighting.

The camera and flash stayed dry, the cushios are out on the line drying and I am still looking for the raspberry.

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