I headed off to South Queensferry for lunch today (that Orocco Pier is very nice).
I then stood at the end of the harbour for the arrival of the Round Britain Powerboat Race entrants.
It is a bit of a misnomer really. The boats went up the west coast to Oban and then tootled through the Caladonian Canal and missed out the top of Scotland (just under half the country I would say).
The environmentalists also stuck their oars in and almost at the last minute had the finishing line moved from the Forth Bridge back out to the line between Crammond Island and Inchmickkery Island.
This meant that the boats were no longer racing - in fact they were crawling along ............ ruined by idea of dramatic pictures.
So much for it being one of the most spectacular spectator sports - I gave up and went home after less than 1/4 of them arrived.
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